Private Lessons

Basic Firearms Training Class
The basic class will teach you essential safety rules for handling your pistol, rifle or shotgun. You will learn the fundamentals of shooting, common errors, proper maintenance and basics of ammunition. We will introduce you to the different types of firearms, what is best for you and how to maintain your skills.

Intermediate and Advanced Training Classes
These classes offer a variety of progressively challenging drills and scenarios. You will be training with target transition, tracking targets and multiple targets. Our firearms simulator allows you to experience real life scenarios to develop advanced skills like holster drawing, cover concealment, tactical movement and judgment skills.
These private lessons are $60 per lesson, each session is a least one hour long.

NRA Classes
We offer several NRA approved classes. All classes follow the NRA guidelines and
specifications. These classes include; basic pistol,rifle and shotgun, personal protection in and outside the home. Upon completion if each course the student will receive an NRA course completion certificate.